With a trance medium there may be clairvoyance, clairaudience, and direct voice communication … the speaking of a spirit through the medium’s vocal cords. With physical mediumship, phenomena such as psychokinesis (the moving of objects without physical contact), levitation, materialization, and similar may be experienced. Additionally, of course, a private séance held in the late evening is less likely to be open to interruption from unexpected callers.Ī séance lifts the veil between this world and the next, so that the living and the dead may temporarily reunite and communicate with one another. There is also a certain stillness and clarity that is missing during the day. This may be something to do with the atmosphere radio waves seem to travel farther and with less interruption in the evening.

Certainly at that time the “vibrations” are better for spirit communication. Séances can be held at any time of the day or night, though the majority seem to be held in the late evening. This may simply be a sitter looking for confirmation that indeed the spirit does continue existence after death, or it may be seeking more specific information concerning the quality of life in the afterworld, or to investigate some past, present, or possible future happening in this world.

Usually, the object is to make contact with spirits of the deceased in order to obtain information from them. People attend séances for a variety of reasons. The medium is the channel through whom the spirits communicate. Two friends sitting with a talking board would be considered as having a séance in this case both of them acting as mediums. The people attending a séance are referred to as “sitters.” Such a gathering can be of any size, though a group of six or eight people is most common. The meaning of the word séance is “sitting.” A séance is a sitting together of a group of people-usually including a medium-for a Metaphysical experiment. Séance (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Participants in a séance attempt to summon and communicate with the spirit world. This can be done in various ways, but is traditionally done at the sabbat celebration of Samhain. Witches do not perform séances, but they do believe in communication with the spirits of the dead. From there the medium, through a "Gate Keeper" or "Guardian," will relay messages between the people in the circle and their deceased loved ones. There may then be a brief period of meditation, during which the medium will slip into trance. The séance often starts with the singing of songs to bring an attunement and to balance the vibrations of everyone present. Invariably the members hold hands to make a connection of energy. A medium is one who is able to bridge the gap between this world and the next-a connecting link between the living and the dead.Ī group usually sits in a circle around a table, although it may form an open circle. It can be one on one (just the sitter and a medium) or it can involve a whole group with a medium. The word séance means "sitting." It is a sitting to communicate with spirits of the dead. Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 Séance (religion, spiritualism, and occult)