In case you can't figure out the other serious problem with this game. It's honestly in desperate (LOAD SCREEN)need of a complete overhaul, and should not have been launched in it's (LOAD SCREEN)current state. The character (LOAD SCREEN)creation is very rich, but provides NO explanation (LOAD SCREEN)as to what certain abilities mean or even how (LOAD SCREEN)they affect your character in any way shape or form.
Quite honestly, there are WAY too much bugs and issues (LOAD SCREEN)with the game that really prevent a full enjoyment of the title. Quite honestly, there are WAY too much bugs and issues (LOAD I cannot in good faith reccomend (LOAD SCREEN) this game at this time. I cannot in good faith reccomend (LOAD SCREEN) this game at this time. This game might not be the first choice for someone who wants to hurry through the tasks and such, but for someone living an adventure it's perfect! … Expand I totally love the graphics style, the story and the good kind of humor. Okay, the to-hit-chance IS frustrating, but on the other side after a while you get used to it. I like the chalanges coming from things like that. I have to admit that I am someone who is more frustrated by crashes and so on (and this game definitely runs smooth and stable) than by having to try tricky situations again and again. Thought, okay, as him I love roleplaying games especially with the Dark Eye's rules and it does not look too difficult to beat the strategic tasks. It is one of this games, where it might take a while to get into it, but then you get hooked up! Watched the hubby play it and liked the It is one of this games, where it might take a while to get into it, but then you get hooked up! Watched the hubby play it and liked the mood.

But when life and death are in the player's hands, how far will they go to reach their goals? … Expand During the wild chase throughout the South of Aventuria, the world of The Dark Eye, there is more to fight than vicious creatures - chapter by chapter, a story full of intrigue and surprising twists unfolds. The player takes on the role of a convicted murderer, who with the help of a team of more-than-questionable characters, must save the world from a dark menace.

The player takes on the role of a convicted murderer, What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals? Blackguards - the new turn-based RPG by Daedalic Entertainment - explores this very question.